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Vintage all in ones

July 3, 2015

Vintage all in ones, or a playsuit are a beautiful thing and with the summer well and truly here, and summer festivals coming at us thick and fast, the playsuit is the thing to wear.It’s the perfect outfit, an alternative to jeans in hot weather and a dress or skirt, which isn’t always the perfect choice for muddy weather, or if the wind is strong that day.

Vintage all in ones-Time travel the all in one playsuit

We must go back in time to the 30s to see the emergence of the playsuit or all in one, and seen as we’re vintage lovers, travelling back in time shouldn’t be too much of a chore and more of a joy.In the 30s, the playsuit was a piece of sportswear and was born in the USA. In the 40s it was beachwear clothing, a comfortable way of lounging around the pool or bar.

The hourglass figure, Marilyn Monroe and the playsuit

The movie stars of the 50s and the emphasis on the hourglass figure brought the all in one into the public arena with frills and strong patterns. The 60s was more relaxed and the 70s brought the playsuit back to glamour and elegance. Playsuits were either long or short, in bright colours or with glitter and fringes for a little 70s disco fever.Elizabeth Taylor knew how to rock a playsuit as did other stars during the 70s and who can forget Charlie’s Angels in shimmering long length playsuits? Ossie Clark’s playsuits were as desirable as his dresses with short bells sleeves and startling prints.

Vintage all in ones – Back to the noughties

Since the mid noughties the playsuit and Vintage all in ones have had a bit of a renaissance with the likes of Beyonce, Taylor Swift and Ellie Goulding rocking the playsuit for 2015 in style.Whether you prefer a short or long one is entirely up to you, but naturally, you may want to go with vintage all in ones. As a vintage all in one will have that sense of originality you won’t find on the high street. You can dress them up or down, for that’s the beauty of a playsuit, wear heels or flats with them and you’ll always look good.

1970s playsuits – so now

As the 70s is so popular right now it would make sense to go with a playsuit with a 70s feel and match it with either contemporary accessories or perhaps with more vintage 70s pieces e.g. platforms, hair, makeup and jewellery.


The 70s do have a great colour palate for the summer and some dreamy colours. The cut of a 70s playsuit can be a lot more interesting too with long straight sleeves ending with a wide cuff, or short wide bell shaped sleeves. If you go with a long one, you can have wider legs, loose or with a gathered ankle. How about a shorter calf length perhaps, for brilliant culottes matched with a pair of heeled sandals.

The playsuit, vintage all in ones, it’s a hit whichever way you wear them


If you can find them, you can wear 40s, 50s or 60s vintage all in one playsuits for the summer, it’s entirely up to you and which decade you love the most. Just enjoy the summer and play hard.