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Mae Busch Movie Icon

August 20, 2015

A good way of getting a more realistic vintage look is to source photographs from the era you’ve fallen in love with.In this post we focus on Mae Busch for our 1920s fashion inspiration.

Mae Busch movie and 1920s fashion icon

That way, you’re guaranteed a more authentic feel to your outfit. Of course, sometimes people are inspired to dress in a vintage style because they’ve seen a photo that’s emulates a certain way of dressing.


It could be the 40s, 50s, 60s, whichever one it is, vintage becomes fun, a detective story, a search for the best, most authentic pieces.


Sometimes it’s just a hairstyle or makeup you want to copy, or perhaps there’s a dress or a coat you’d love to have that’s similar if not identical to the photograph you’ve sourced.

Portraits and pictures of Mae Busch that provide a real vintage inspiration

There’s all sorts of characters, pictures that inspire, they can be shots that were taken spontaneously, perhaps pictures of Hollywood stars, with those carefully lit classic poses.


Some of those continue to inspire and many of the 1920s actors and actresses are a source of inspiration.


When we think of 1920s actresses we may bring Louise Brooks or Clara Bow to mind.However, Mae Busch provides a great source of inspiration to us with her innate sense of style and fun yet glamorous demeanour.

An early start

Mae Busch was born in 1891 in Australia but came to the United States in 1896 joining her parents (both vaudeville stars) on the stage at the age of 12.


She appeared with them as the Bush Devere Trio from 1903 to 1912 when she got her lucky break and replaced Lillian Lorraine with Eddie Foy in “Over the River.”

Keystone Studios call

Mae Busch’s first film was “The Agitator,” and “The Water Nymph” which were both released in the same year, 1912.


It was after she joined Keystone Studios in 1915 that she played her most famous role alongside Laurel & Hardy as Oliver Hardy’s wife and appeared in 13 films with the famous duo.


Although she had been known previously for playing the role of a vamp, with Laurel & Hardy she played a very different role, a successful one none the less.


All in all Mae Busch appeared in over a hundred films and died in 1946 in San Fernando Valley, California.Sadly Busch’s remains were unclaimed until The Laurel & Hardy Society paid for her internment at the Chapel of the Pines Crematorium.

Mae Busch would eventually have her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on 7021 Hollywood Boulevard.

Plenty of inspiration for 20s style

Her style is exquisite and thankfully there are still some great shots of her – in glamorous or simple outfits, hair accessories, typical of the twenties, with head bands and turbans.


Those glamorous cloche hats with drop waisted dresses and page boy bobs with fringes are a real inspiration for those that look to the twenties for inspiration.


Even if you’re not a great fan of the twenties Mae Busch’s outfits are enough to help inspire an evening dress or shoes, because a lot of Mae’s shots are full length so get a good look at her outfits, from top to toe.


So take a look at some of Mae Busch’s pictures and help find your 20s fashion inspiration.