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Haute Couture vintage Vs high street vintage

August 9, 2014

Haute Couture vintage is high fashion and, as opposed to high street fashion, it stands for originality and uniqueness. Unlike high street fashion, it’s less ubiquitous, better made, better designed. So, is it a given then that when it comes to vintage, you should buy haute couture?


The work that goes into haute couture clearly sets it apart from mass manufactured clothing. Often with hand sewn beads or strategically placed zips, haute couture promises one of a kind, a one-off you won’t find anywhere else and although a garment’s style may have trickled down through vintage fashion inspired designs to the high street over the years, there’ll be nothing like the original.


With that in mind, it would stand to reason then that a vintage haute couture garment is going to be of more value and certainly more sought after than high street vintage. But is that really the case? Can the artistry of haute couture vintage still be better than anything you’d buy from the high street, even when it’s vintage?

Haute Couture vintage is nearly always unique

Haute couture is made for the wearer and made to measure clothes are for those that can afford it, handmade and fitted to perfection. But the thing is, the very fact that it is haute couture and that it is vintage makes it all the more attractive, and a far more interesting proposition. Vintage is original and different and haute couture ticks all the boxes, it’s double the fun and double the hit when you find something that’s truly original and unique.

couture dress1Vintage and the high street

High Street on the other hand is mass-produced and where’s there’s one there’s bound to be at least 5 more. However, go back 30 years and most old high street clothing would have found itself on a landfill site. It’s only now that people are realising the potential damage to the environment and becoming more aware of recycling, so that high street clothing is now being treated with a lot more care and attention,and either being handed on to second-hand clothes shops, or staying in someone’s wardrobe. So anything older than 30 years old is quite possibly a one-off.


High Street vintage is also more likely to be a lot cheaper too, so you have a good chance of purchasing something that’s rare, and you’re less likely to find anyone else wearing the same thing.

Haute Couture vintage Vs high street vintage – Unique design

However, haute couture isn’t just rare; it’s also well-made and beautifully designed. Granted you will pay more, but if you’re after quality rather than just rarity value then perhaps haute couture is for you.


If you do decide to go down the haute couture route then keep to some basic rules. If you buy online make sure you check with the owner by dropping them an email with any questions you may have about the garment. Whichever site you visit make sure they have clear pictures of the garment from different angles, and that they provide a picture of the label.


If you’re going to buy in person, ask as many questions as possible and try it on before purchasing it. Careful thought and consideration should be given before buying any haute couture vintage. Beware that you don’t indulge in impulse buys when buying, or you could lose out big time as well as in pocket. Whatever you do, don’t buy anything that’s damaged or in need of repair.


Whether you prefer to buy vintage haute couture, vintage designer clothing or high street is entirely up to you. Any vintage is better than no vintage at all and haute couture is probably the best kind of vintage there is, but the choice at the end of the day is yours. Go with your head and your heart.


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